(2024-06-21 11:22:44)
The recipient of the 2024 Jim McPhee Award is Maarten de Ridder. read more...
Dan Grade Presentations
(2024-06-17 12:32:03)
Two Judoka were presented their Dan certificates at the AK Nage-no-Kata Weekend held in Forrest Hill, Auckland. read more...
AK Area Kata Seminar
(2024-05-11 08:42:49)
AK Area hosted a Nage-no-Kata Seminar and Competition over the weekend. read more...
Craig Bartlett To Referee At 2024 Paralympics
(2024-06-17 12:20:20)
Craig Bartlett (HOW AK) has been selected by the IJF to referee at the upcoming Paralympic Games in Paris. read more...
WN Area Grassroots camp
(2024-05-11 08:32:40)
The Grassroots Camp held at el Rancho, Waikanae, was hugely successful with 95 attendees from 7 clubs. Guest Coaches Jason King and Kiki Velloza lead the training on the mat. Was great for all Judoka to be learning new skills from them both.The weekend was full of Judo and fun by everyone. Thanks to all the officials and parents who put their time and effort into making this weekend a success. read more...
AK Squad At JFA National Training Camp
(2024-04-17 11:31:44)
The Auckland Area Judo squad coached by Rob Levy have just completed the final session of the Australian National Training Camp at the Australian Institute of Sport. Massive thanks to Maria Pekli (Head Coach) and Australia Judo’s national coaching team for including the Auckland Squad.An incredibly valuable three days! read more...
2024 Jim McPhee Award
(2024-04-17 11:31:23)
Applications for the 2024 Jim McPhee Award are now open.The annual award is for a maximum $2000 NZ DollarsDeadline; Applications should be sent to the National Technical Director (Chair of Selectors) by Tuesday 26th March 2024Criteria; The awarded maybe be used for your Judo development and especially towards future selection for the Commonwealth and/or Olympic Games. The prime objective is to provide funding to JNZ National Squad Members who are not receiving personal funding from agencies supported by the New Zealand Government in the current year.Eligibility; This award will be open to current registered JNZ National Squad Members competing in the read more...
2024 JNZ Training Camp Refereeing Seminar
(2024-05-06 12:36:06)
A Referee's seminar was held at the recent National Training Camp, lead by Craig Bartlett, JNZ 's leading IJF Referee.Craig's seminar was held to update attending coaches and athletes on the new rule adaptions, and also the trends across the sport in technique execution and referee interpretation and scoring, including some new direction the IJF will look to lead the sport.A big thank you to Craig and Emma for interrupting their holiday in Nelson to come and avail us of his expertise, the Squad very much appreciated the gesture and grew in wisdom through Craig sharing his knowledge. read more...
2024 JNZ National Training Camp
(2024-02-22 10:30:02)
Congratulations to all who took part and equipped themselves so well through out the weekend, picking up some new skills to see them start the new year with a bang and continue to evolve their judo to a new and dynamic levels .A big thank to our guest coach Akishige Kuraishi from Kokushikan University - Japan, who shared his All Japan University winning knowledge with us through out the weekend and taking some skills sessions, with world class gripping scenarios for us. Not satisfied to stop there, he also conducted Master Classes after the sessions for those enthusiastic judoka.- and for read more...
IJF Referee Seminar Link
(2024-02-15 15:39:05)
The IJF hosted an international refereeing seminar recently which outlined changes to the ways rules are to be applied. read more...